Housing Development and Sales Business 分譲住宅開発事業

Spec Condominiums マンション分譲事業

We offer a better amenity life by combining our ability of creating new values with thecomprehensive perspective of ITOCHU Group and its driving force to promote a reliable business.
We are engaged in further developing large-scale condominiums, skyscraper tower residential buildings, compact urban housing, condominiums built on property under a fixed-term land leasehold. Our original arranging and product planning enjoy high appraisal. This is because we have incorporated ideas from daily life in such way that we offer you modifiable planning for plumbing and wall positioning, room layout reorganization according to life stages, and space designs that include a little extra allowing you to live like you are.

(大阪市中央区) / 2022年

(東京都品川区) / 2016年

(東京都品川区) / 2020年


Stand-alone Spec Residences 戸建分譲事業

「CREVIA COURT(クレヴィアコート)」シリーズは、その土地ならではの住環境に調和した街区計画、採光や通風に考慮した配棟計画、四季折々の表情をみせる外構・植栽計画など、快適な住まいをご提案するだけではなく、街づくりの視点から理想的な住空間のご提案を目指した永住品質の都市型戸建住宅です。
Designing permanent homes - urban individual housing in harmony with the living environment. The CREVIA COURT Series features urban individual housing designed to be used as permanent home. Instead of simply proposing a comfortable residence, we seek to realize the ideal living environment within the means of urban development. We propose block plans which are unique to the land and harmonious with the living environment, building plans which consider natural lighting and ventilation, and landscaping/planting ideas for enjoying the beauty of all four seasons.

Leveraging existing buildings to create new added value.
We are connecting your special residence to the future with the overall strength of the ITOCHU Group.
We are taking initiatives in a renovation project for each condominium unit by utilizing the technology and experience that we have developed for the condominium “CREVIA.” In addition to planning exclusive areas that cater to diverse lifestyles, the building has been updated on a scale of single buildings to include common areas such as entrances and security that are suitable for new urban life. We will improve the asset value of the entire building by adding new functions and added value while taking advantage of existing installations and moldings.