Logistics Facilities Development 物流施設開発事業
伊藤忠グループの総合力を活かし、「商流」・「物流」一体のネットワークによる物流施設「アイミッションズパーク」を開発しています。高速インター周辺などでマルチテナント型、BTS(Build to Suit)型の物流センターの開発を推進。顧客ニーズに基づいたバリューチェーンの展開を図ります。
Deploying a logistics facilities development business that responds adroitly to changes in the value chain. We are developing “I Missions Park,” a logistical facility that integrates commercial distribution and logistics on a single, seamless network, backed by the combined capabilities of the ITOCHU Group. We are promoting the development of multi-tenant type, BTS (Build to Suit) logistics centers, such as around highway interchanges. These facilities deploy value chains based squarely on customer needs.